Sunday, March 8, 2009

doctors and more doctors

Well as you all know, Jeff and I are trying to have a baby. We decided to see a doctor this week just make sure everything was okay. Since I am 35, I know that can make it harder to have a child, but I believe in God and all he has in store for my life. He brought Jeff into my life and I know that one day, when the time is right a child will come too. My doctor is great and she decided to draw blood and check all my hormone levels so see how they are functioning. Also, I was given the name of another doctor to see in regards to my thyroid. THANK GOODNESS! My thyroid has been giving me fits on and off or years and finally a doctor says lets have it double and triple checked again! See proof...a prayer has been answered..hahaha! So, that is where we stand now, waiting for results and knowing that when the time is right, God will answer our prayer with our own little miracle.


Debra in Houston said...

Praying for a quick, non frustrating answer from the Doc! And thank goodness someone is finally listening about the thyroid. I remember when Dr. Awasum told me what was wrong with my stomach and that it wasn't all in my head...and i hugged him. I might have flashed him a bit as i was doped up and in a gown. :o)
